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Sejarah Dunia Moden.

Pelajari sejarah moden dunia di sini. Bermula dengan peristiwa Perang Dunia Pertama hinggalah kepada kejadian kemalangan yang meragut nyawa Puteri Diana. Semua teks adalah dalam bahasa Inggeris.

World War I: Origins
World War I: Overview
Russian Revolution (history)
Big Three
Treaty of Versailles and the League of Nations
Peace Treaties 1919-23
Peace Treaties 1919-23: The Aftermath
Treaty of Versailles
Peace Treaties of 1919-23: Overview
League of Nations: Setting it up
League of Nations: The Early Years
League of Nations: World Public Opinion
Reparations: The Dawes and the Young Plan
Treaties of Rapallo and Washington
Locarno Conference 1925
Kellog-Briand Pact (Pact of Paris)
Hitler and the Nazis
Great Depression of America
Great Depression in Germany
Great Depression in Britain
Great Depression in France
Crisis in Manchuria
Mussolini and Italian Fascism
Abyssinian Crisis 1935
Abyssinian Crisis Aftermath
League of Nations: The rise and fall
Hitler: The Rhineland and Austria
Munich Crisis
Chamberlain and appeasement
Nazi-Soviet Pact: Preceding events
Nazi-Soviet Pact
Hitler's war
World War II: Preceding Years
World War II: Overview
De-colonization and the collapse of European Empires
Cold War: Causes
Yalta Conference and the invasion of Warsaw
Yalta Agreement
Yalta Agreement: The Problems
Truman and the Potsdam Conference
Soviet take-over of Eastern Europe
Truman Doctrine
Marshall Plan (in detail)
Cold War: America's motives
Berlin Blockade and Airlift
West Germany: The formation
NATO: The formation
Cold War: Overview
Communist China  
Korean War: Chinese intervention
Cuban missile crisis (in detail)
Cuban missile crisis averted
Cold War and the Middle East
Vietnam War: Reasons for US involvement
Vietnam War: US troops sent
Vietnam War: US calls for peace
My Lai incident strengthens anti-war protests
Vietnam War cease-fire: 1973
Nixon and arms control
Communism: US containment

Tito and Stalin

Hungary and the Soviet Empire

Czechoslovakia and the Soviet Empire

Berlin Wall (in detail)

Solidarity (history)

Communism: The decline

Andropov and Gorbachev

Gorbachev and the fall of the Iron Curtain

Soviet Empire 1948-91 .

United Nations: Overview

UN and the Cold War

UN in Korea

Security Council and Communism

Congo Crisis 1960-64

Diana, Princess of Wales